Thursday, 24 October 2013

Concept of diet

Introduction with Tridosha and Panchamahabhutha:
Ahara is the foremost among the three pillars of the healthy life. It is the basic and essential factor which supports other two (sleep and celibacy or non celibacy). Ayurveda has given details of proper diet to be followed in the process to obtain an ideal status of health. Ayurveda says that our body is composed of tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and improper dieting leads to their vitiation which gives rise to various diseases. Vata is the union of Akasa and Vayu, Pitta with Agni and Jala, Kapha with Prithvi and Jala. According to Ayurveda, everything in this universe is composed of these Panchamahabhuthas (Akasha, Vayu, Jala, Agni and Prithvi).
Ahara is also panchabhutic in the form of taste and state. There are 6 types of taste. They are Sweet (Madhura), Sour (Amla), Salt (Lavana), Pungent (Katu), Bitter (Thiktha) and Astringent (Kashaya). Each taste is predominant with combination of two Panchabhuthas. First three Sweet, Sour and Saline taste alleviates Vata while other three aggravates vata. Sweet, Sour and Saline taste aggravates and other three alleviates Kapha. Sour, Saline and Pungent aggravates Pitta and remaining three alleviates Pitta. When the Panchabhuthas are in equilibrium, Tridosha level will be in equilibrium. In this way, our health will also be normal. In order to maintain this state of equilibrium, we can adopt all six tastes in our daily diet.
Next is the power of digestion (Agni) which plays a major role even though our diet is very proper. Ayurveda says that one can analyze the quantity of the food required for them by themselves. Every individual has different power of digestion. Some of us have very high power of digestion (Thikshna Agni), some of them have medium power (Mandha Agni) and some others may have good power of digestion (Sama Agni). So if someone is taking two chapathis, it is more sufficient for them. He should not be forced to take more because it leads to indigestion (Formation of Ama). 

Factors for healthy food:
In order to avoid these types of health disturbances, instruction on various factors governing our food habits are listed in ayurvedic texts.
  • Nature of the food (Prakrithi) – There are two types of food which are easily digestible and heavy to digest.
  • Method of processing (Karana) – Processing is nothing but transformation of food to various forms. For example, dilution, churning, storing, maturing, flavoring, application of heat, preservation, etc.
  • Combination (Samyoga) – individually every food items have some kind of action. When they are combined with two or more items, some time they become poison sometimes the action gets enhanced. For example, honey and ghee are individually good. But when they are consumed together in equal quantity, they become poison and leads to death. Likewise milk and fish.
  • Quantity (Rasi) – Quantity of food is very important because it bestows the power of digestion. If it is heavily digestible food, we must take half of the quantity that is required. For the easily digestible food, not more than the required. This is because, 1/3 part of our stomach should be filled with food, next 1/3 part with liquid and remaining 1/3 should be left empty. This makes the digestion easy.
  • Habitat (Desha) – The food produced in desert area increases the Vata. that which grows in marshy land increases Kapha. And the food which is grown in moderate climate is good for health. The area in which we dwell also has to be considered and suitable food has to be consumed. Desa also refers to our body, hence age and nature of body also has to be considered.
  • Time (kala) – Time refers to both time and the age. Some food should not be taken during night, eg curd. The boiled water kept overnight should not be used.
  • Dietic rules (Upayogasamstha) – There are certain rules to take food. One should not take food before proper digestion of previously taken food. Should not speak while taking food. Neither should take very slowly nor in a hurry. Before we take the food, we must feed the pets, kids, and aged people.
  • Person taking food (Upayokta) – One should take the food only which is compatible for him.
Quality of an ideal food:
Quality of good food is hot, unctuous, sufficient quantity, easily digestible, mind pleasing, and should be taken in right time.

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