Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Brushing teeth is the basic activity. It is very essential for the maintenance of health. 
Ayurveda says, after wake up one must  think deeply whether the person is eligible to begin the day with routine work. If not, he must continue with little more sleep. That is, One must check whether the food taken in previous night is digested or not. If the digestion is complete, the person can go for brushing.This helps a person to keep up at-most health. The reason is when we take before digestion of the previous food, it leads to indigestion.
Ayurveda has given some rules for brushing. They are
One must defecat and urinate before brushing.
In olden days, people use to do brush using herbal twigs. The twig must be 12 angulas in length and half angula in thickness. (1 angula = 1 phallenge approximately 1 inch)
That twig must have the following tastes which acts on the germs. They are  Kashaya-Astringent, Thikta- Bitter and Katu- Pungent.
Drugs/ Twigs mentioned in Ashtanga Hridayam for dantadhavanam,
ARKA- Calotropis gigantea
KHADIRA-Acacia catechu
KARANJA-Caesalpinia bonducella
KAKUBHA-Terminalia arjun

One who suffer with these diseases should not indulge in brushing teeth. But they can gargle their mouth with Decoctions for thoses drugs. The diseases are indigestion, Vomiting, Asthma, Cough, Jwaram(fever), Facial palcy, Thirst, mouth boils, heart diseases, Eye disorders, Ear problems.

Friday, 13 April 2012


Brahme Muhurt Uttishtet svastho raksharthamayusha :
-The person who wants to live with good health should wake up at Brahma Muhurtham. 
What is Brahma Muhurtham?
1. रात्रेश्चतुर्दशो  मुहूर्तो ब्राह्मो मुहुर्त : ।
Raatre chaturdasha muhurta brahma muhurta: |
2. रात्रेस्तु पश्चिमो यामो मुहूर्तो ब्राह्म उच्यते ।
Raatreshu pashchimo Yaamo muhurto Brahma Muhurtha Uchyate|
That is - The last part of the night just before the Sun Rise, means 4 hours time period before the Sun Rise is called as Brahma Muhurtam.
"Approximately brahma muhurtha kala can be between 2am to 4am..!"
According to Ayurveda, A day starts from 6 am and end at 6 am of next day. Meanwhile, one day  is divided into 6 parts-
  1. 6 am to 10 am
  2. 10 am to 2 pm
  3. 2 pm to 6 pm
  4. 6 pm to 10 pm
  5. 10 pm to 2 am
  6. 2 am to 6 am
Night part starts from 10 pm to 6 am. This time period is divided into 2 parts-
  1. 10 pm to 2 am
  2. 2 am to 6 am
The quote 2 says Pashchima yaama means last part of night which falls between 2 am to 6 am is called as Brahma Muhurtham.

Monday, 9 April 2012


In our day today life, we all give vast importance and struggle for multiple the capital and we forget what for it is being added. All our destination is to have a happy, peaceful and healthy life. This technical world making us to put off our healthy life. We do not find time even for having a cup of tea. Then where is the place of the word health? 
The modern Science always talks about technology development, researches, etc. Then where is the health? If life doesn't persist, then what is the use of developing the technology?
In olden days, people did their work and had good time to keep up their health as well. They were very strict about their life style. They gave disciplined value for sleep and food. Where these two remain basic tool to support the healthy status.
Ayurveda, our Science merely deals about healthy life. It gives knowledge about style life. It remains us to bring the old healthy custom into practice.It says about स्वस्थ शरीर  (swastha sharira) means healthy body, healthy mind.
The texts of Ayurveda includes topic called Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Roganutpadaniyam, Matrasithiyam, which help us to get back our healthy status.

Sunday, 1 April 2012



Ayurveda is an ancient Science. It is known for health Science...
Ayurveda also has different branches with which the complete treatment procedures are embodied.
We all know that Western Medicine has different branches namely., Pediatrics, Gynecology, Otology, Ophthalmology, General medicine, etc.
As such Ayurveda also having its own branches which are elaborated beautifully in different texts of Ayurveda..!
There are 8 different branches in Ayurveda. They are,-
  1.  Kaya Chikitsa          - General Medicine
  2. Bala Chikitsa            - Pediatrics
  3. Graha Chikitsa         - Psychiatry
  4. Urdhvanga Chikitsa - ENT, Ophthalmology and Dentistry
  5. Shalya Chikitsa        - Surgery
  6. Damshtra Chikitsa   - Toxicology
  7. Jara Chikitsa            - Geriatrics
  8. Vrusha Chikitsa       - Sexology
The treatment principles are common for all the branches in Ayurveda. 
It basically follows purification therapy which helps to over come the disease faster. 

These 8 branches of Ayurveda will be discussed briefly in further posts..!