Tuesday, 27 March 2012


It's heavenly Science

Ya Ayurveda is a heavenly Science because it's origin is from the Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma has recalled the Science of Life and thought it to Daksha Prajapathi and who thought it to Aswini Kumaras. Aswini Kumaras thought it to Lord Indra, the King of the Gods.
When Diseases started to trouble the Human, the Great Sages of the World gathered together in the slopes of the Himalayas. They all decided to learn Ayurveda, the Science of Life from the Lord Indra. But there confusion arised about who has to go to the heaven to learn Ayurveda.
Sage Bharadvaja, one of the participants from the gathering learnt Ayurveda from the Lord Indra and thought it to all other Sages. 
Atreya who is known as Punarvasu Atreya, son of Atri, thought this Science to his Six disciples. they are Agnivesa, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parasara, Haritha and Ksarapani. Each one of them wrote their own Treatise and placed before their Acharya. The treatise of Agnivesaadjudged as the best and praised even by the Gods. This treatise became popular in the World, called as Charaka Samhita..!
There are so many other stories revealing the Origin of Ayurveda..!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Main aim of Ayurveda is to promote Ayu, a healthy life... Ayurveda includes all its teaching under the name of Ayu... It keeps on telling Ayu, Ayu... Then what Ayurveda says about Ayu..?

 What is आयु , A healthy life..?
Aim or pursuit of life is achieved by धर्मं (Dharma), अर्थ (Artha), काम (Kaama) and मोक्ष (Maksha). Each and every person desires to attain a healthy life. That means he is directly or indirectly desires to achieve Dharma - righteousness, Artha - Wealth, Sukha - Happiness. Kama - Desire of sexual happiness and Moksha - salvation, these two comes under Sukha - Happiness.
Ayurveda Strictly says to follow 2 things in life... That is 
1. Do's
2. Don't
When we follow these things, one can achieve Ayu whereas Ayu means हितायु, सुखायु and दीर्घायु  that is healthy life...

Monday, 19 March 2012

आयुर्वेद शास्त्र

"Initially before start posting with my thoughts, i would like to convey my प्रणामs to the Great Physicians who has given me knowledge about the Science i'm dealing with."
Ayurveda Science is the oldest Science meant for Ayu, means Life, Health...