Thursday, 4 October 2012


Vyayaman-Physical Exercise

"लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं  दिप्थोग्निर्मेदस: क्षय: |
विभक्तघनगात्रत्वं व्यायामादुपजायते  ||"
About 5000 years ago, Ayurveda has spoken about Vyayamam, i.e. Exercise. Ayurveda has given Importance of Physical exercise as followsलाघवं ,lagavam which means lite. Lite body helps in कर्मसामर्थ्यं i.e. perfection in work by improving body strength.दिप्थोग्नि:, Agni is nothing but digestive fire which helps in digesting the food intake. Deeptha-agni means sufficient or healthy digestive fire. So it implies practice of Vyayama gives good digestive power.र्मेदस: क्षय:, practice of physical exercise removes extra medas or fat which get accumulated in the body. Such that body becomes slim and trim.Also body gains strength according to the vyayama done.Other references from Ayurveda says that which brings about tiredness or weakness to the body is called Vyayama or physical exercise.All bodily strains are called as Vyayama.Lord Punarvasu, preceptor of Ayurveda has said that the body activities which brings pleasure and peace to mind is called Vyayama.
Vyayama or physical exercise should be practiced in limits. Once when sweat starts to generate from the body, vyayama should be stopped. Because it aggravates vata in body...